The Dream began in the 80s many many moons ago when I was in high school. My dad opened his first gun store in Corsicana TX., He moved it a few years later to Ennis TX. It was named Auggies gun shop, the name everyone called my dad since before i was born. Not really sure why. I had always heard it growing up so never put much thought into it.
Well we had plans to really do something big one day. Large inventory, large store, outside and indoor range. Ya know, the full nine yards. Ole pops was also a gun smith so he was a one stop shop for all your bang bang needs.
Well for me, It was the Marine Corps after high school and wouldn't ya know i wound up working in the weapons armory my last two years in. Well dear ole dad had a stroke while I was in Desert Storm and had to eventually close down his business before I could get out of the Corps and help him keep it going. He passed on me just a few short years later. I didn't think too much about the gun business over the next couple decades but always had that lil small dream pop in my head from time to time. Of course, whenever i could, I still kept guns, went hunting, went shooting like dad had taught me. Life had me everywhere else and doing many other things. Fast forward 2020.. COVID!!! Got laid off in a industry I had been in 20 years. IT WAS TIME! Got my FFL-07 and became a small dealer in good ole East Texas. A small one man show with a small inventory working out of my place part time BUT with a new spark from an old dream we once had.